Homespun Wool Program.
The Homespun Wool Program at WindReach Farm is an inclusive, multi-sensorial experience designed to involve people in creative activities centred around our flock of sheep: shearing, teasing, carding, dyeing, and spinning, to prepare the wool for our artistic expression. Artistic expression is beneficial for those with mental health challenges, autism, developmental and physical health limitations as well as those with hearing and vision loss. When wool is used as a therapeutic medium, it offers benefits to health and wellness, and enhances both skill development and quality of life. Fibre art, in particular, offers a tactile, calming medium with many opportunities for artistic expression such as needle felting, wet felting, weaving, and mixed media creations. No prior experience is required for this program. We work with both individuals and groups, with adapted equipment in some cases, in order for our participants to gain independence and achieve artistic success. Each participant’s needs and goals will be considered on an individual basis.
Benefits include personal development through enhanced self-esteem, confidence, social skills, fine motor skills, sensory stimulation, cognitive and learning skills.
Please see Ellen Rubin’s article, Knit one, pearl two: the therapeutic benefits of crafting with wool in the Rehab & Community Care Medicine Journal, Summer 2022.
The Homespun program encompasses all stages of wool processing which include:
Washing and Drying
Dyeing (Harvesting and preparation of dye plants)
Fibre Arts (knitting, crocheting, weaving, felting, corking)
Homespun Wool Therapy is a fee-for-service program. Please email information@windreachfarm.org for rates and availability.
9:30 am – 2:30 pm
(except statutory holidays)
Other days by special request
Book your Session
For more information or to book your session, please email information@windreachfarm.org.

“In regards to the donation of the knitted dolls, they will support the children we serve. These donations make a significant impact to our children and promote the processing and healing of the trauma they have experienced”.
- Heather, Women’s Shelter Staff

“I just wanted to give a big thank you for organizing a session with the kids during MyndCraft Summer Camp. The kids thoroughly enjoyed all the activities.”
- Ayushi Dhingra, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Occupational Therapist, Complex Injury Rehab