Former Executive Director (1997 to 2009) of WindReach Farm
On March 9th, 2025, we lost a dear friend and past colleague and we are all mourning Penny’s sudden passing.
In 1997 when Penny joined WindReach Farm, we had approximately 4075 visitors that year. By the time she left in 2009, we welcomed over 20,000 visitors annually. Penny’s wealth of expertise and community contacts were invaluable in putting WindReach on the map and building community relations.
Many of our early milestones were achieved during Penny’s tenure at WindReach Farm.
In the late 90’s, along with the vibrant visitor program, Penny oversaw the development of such programs as the Internship/Work Experience programs, in partnership with Durham District School Board. This was followed by the Skills Link program. Some of those graduates have maintained a strong connection with WR over the years, and one individual went on to work at WindReach Farm. He is currently one of our longest serving staff. Our volunteer program also flourished and remains to this day a cornerstone of both our success and impact within the wider community.
In 2003, Penny welcomed the opening of the new stables (Alexander J. Mitchell Equestrian Centre) and the very successful Therapeutic Riding Program.
Penny oversaw the Farm during a time of unprecedented growth, which we have worked hard ever since to sustain. Her personal and professional dedication to individuals with diverse support needs led to strong connections that established WR in the community at many levels.
Her tight-knit staff would say that Penny was a very hands on, collaborative, and supportive leader. She was authentic and decisive. You always knew where you stood with Penny.
Penny took a thoughtful, evidence-based approach to move the farm forward, while keeping Founder Sandy Mitchell’s vision at the centre. And she did so with energy and enthusiasm. She will always be remembered for her acting prowess during many WindReach talent shows!
Penny made many lifelong friendships with current and former staff, donors and volunteers and she will be dearly missed by all those whose lives she touched.

A centre for inclusion and personal achievement for
people of all abilities.

Our Programs and Services
Our programs and services have been developed with full accessibility at the forefront. We offer learning and experiential opportunities with the goal of engaging with our participants in order to strengthen skills, independence, and physical well-being in a safe and nurturing environment.