Volunteer Program
The Volunteer Program at WindReach Farm is a unique program which offers a variety of volunteering opportunities. Whether you are looking to work with individuals with disabilities, develop new skills, connect with others, or maybe just love animals, there is something for you.
WindReach Farm is very fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers who are ready and willing to support our programs, participants, animals, and the property itself. As a charitable organization, we have a relatively small staff, and rely heavily upon the commitment of our volunteers. WindReach Farm would simply not be able to meet its vision of inspiring, empowering, and changing lives were it not for our volunteers. We adore our volunteers, but we can always use more help. Please consider volunteering some of your time at the Farm!
Administrative Duties
Adventure Leader
Animal Care
Bingo (at the Red Barn in Oshawa)
Community Work Days
Program Support
Property Maintenance
Special Events
Stable Maintenance
Therapeutic Riding Lessons
Winter Maintenance

"I volunteer at WindReach Farm because it enriches my life in a way that no other program can. I get to meet people from all walks of life. The animals provide a therapeutic bond that gives love and comfort to those that may not be able to visit a farm. It is extremely rewarding to see the animals make someone's day more joyful and brighter, and it is very therapeutic for myself too."
- Jennifer, Volunteer

"Assisting children and adults with disabilities to ride horses at WindReach Farm is a part of my week that I always look forward to. Establishing a positive rapport with the rider is a critical part of the experience. Indeed, interacting with the riders and being a part of the immense joy that horseback riding brings to them is the best part of the experience for me."
- Krista, Volunteer